Alexandra Opie, Mirrored Landscape no. 17
Catherine Michele Adams, Land of the Vainakh People, The Tree Worshipers #2 (Caucasian Chronicles)
Christopher Soukup, Blade
Devin Grady, Evening at a Mountain Lake
Edward Coppola, Trees and Green Diamond Fence, Staten Island
Emily Gilliam, Beer
Erik Graham, Sanctuary
Fasai Streed, We Love Music
Hilda Champion, Courtyard
Janet Boyko, San Francisco Yard Work
Joe Whittington, Mt. Rainier
Kelly Delay, Shoe Repair
Kino Alyse, Sperlonga
Michael Hughes, Lunch Break, Jury Duty
Sanwal Deen, The Courthouse
Swen Bernitz, Demolition House
Tayne Hunsaker, Monument Valley
Tony Ciarrocchi, Geisel Library (1970), University of California San Diego
William Horton, Reflections in Lake San Cristobal
Ray Avitable, Dawn
Fred Ullrich, The Rookery in Chicago
Annette Schreiber, Ascending Reflections
John Shelton, Red Rocks Vomitorium
George Gonzalez, Miami Tunnel